Research Articles
CONFERENCES (National & International)
1. Abhilash, S.Singh, K.D.Mehta, Vinay Kumar, B.D.Pandey and V.M.Pandey, Microbially catalysed process for uranium dissolution from its ore, In. Proc. MPT-2006, Chennai,Vol.2, pp.717-724
2. Abhilash, P.Ravi, Mehta K.D., Kumar V., Pandey B.D. and Tamrakar.P.K., Column Bioleaching for Uranium Dissolution from a Low Grade Indian Silicate Ore, In. Proc. National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar, pp.83-91.
3. Pal,S.C., Mehta,K.D., Abhilash, Kumar,V., Pandey,B.D. and Mankhand.T.R., Copper Biodissolution from a low grade Chalcopyrite ore by unadapted/adapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, In. Proc. National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar,pp.110-121.
4. Abhilash, Mehta, K.D., Kumar,V. and Pandey, B.D., Biosorption of trivalent chromium from a model tanning solution by adapted Aspergillus niger, In.Proc. National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar, pp.190-201.
5. Abhilash, Mehta K.D., Kumar V., Pandey B.D. and Tamrakar.P.K, Amenability of low-grade uranium towards Column Bioleaching by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, In.Proc. MPT-2007,Mumbai,pp.345-349
6. Pal.S.C,Abhilash, Mehta,K.D., Kumar,V., Pandey,B.D.and Markhand,T.R., Copper biodissolution from a low grade Chalcopyrite ore using adapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, In.Proc. MPT-2007,Mumbai, pp.524-527.
7. Mehta, K.D., Abhilash, Verma,V.K., Kumar V. and Pandey, B.D., NML’s Efforts in bio-processing of low grade ores of Copper and Uranium- an experimental overview, In. Proc. Non-Ferrous Meet-2007, Raipur, Tech-B-1/1-1/12.
8. S.Anand Ram, Abhilash, K.D. Mehta, B.D. Pandey and T.R. Mankhand, Microbial Dissolution of a low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore using mixed culture of mesophiles, Proc. Int. Sem. Min Proc. Tech (MPT-2008), April 22-24 2008, Trivandrum, Ed. P.N.Mohandas, pp.346-350.
9. K.D. Mehta, Abhilash, S.Anand Ram, B.D.Pandey and T.R.Mankhand, Improving chalcopyrite biodissolution from low grade Indian copper ore by microbial consortia, Proc. XIIth Int. Conf. Non-Ferrous Minerals and Metals (NFMM-2008), July 4-5 2008, Nagpur, Eds., M.K.B.Nair, C.R.Mishra and C.Ramaswamy, pp. Tech-6-1/1-1/9.
10.B.Dhal, Abhilash, K.D. Mehta, and B.D.Pandey, Biological remediation of trivalent chromium from effluents, In. Proc. XIIIth Int. Conf. Non-Ferrous Minerals and Metals (ICNFMM-2009), Eds., C.R.Mishra and S.Majumdar, July 10-11, 2009, Bhubaneswar, pp.Tech-4/1-4/9.
11.Nivedita Singh, Abhilash, K.D.Mehta and B.D.Pandey, Kaolinite based microbial composite in Cr(III) sorption from waste waters, In. Proc. Nat. Sem. on Environmental Management in Metallurgical Industries, Varanasi, 15-16th March 2010,Eds. R.C.Gupta, pp.61-68.
12.Abhilash, B.Dhal, K.D.Mehta, V.Kumar, B.D.Pandey, Bio-Processing For Metal Extraction, Recycling And Effluent Treatment- An Overview, In. Proc. International Conference on Non-ferrous Metals 2010, Varanasi, India, Eds: T. R. Mankhand, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, C. R. Mishra, Tech-6/1 - Tech6/8.
13.Abhilash, K.D.Mehta, V.Kumar, B.D.Pandey and P.K.Tamrakar, Bioleaching - An Alternate Uranium Ore Processing Technology For India¸ In. Proceedings of ANUP 2010 – 2nd International Conference on ASIAN NUCLEAR PROSPECTS 2010 Chennai, India – 11-13 October 2010 Eds. K.G.Kutty, P.V.Rao, Baldev Raj, pp.232-235.
14.Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, L.Ray, Kinetics and mechanism of uranium bioleaching from a low grade indian ore, In. Proc. Int.Sem. Min.Proc.Tech. (MPT-2010), Eds.R.Singh, A.Das, P.K.Banerjee, K.K.Bhattacharya, N.G.Goswami, December 2010, pp.969-975.
15.Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, A.K.Singh, Bioreactor leaching of Turamdih uranium ore, In. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Nonferrous Metals-2012, New Delhi, India, (Eds.) Abhilash, T.R.Mankhand and P.Lange. pp. Tech-4/1 to Tech4/7
16.Abhilash, Neha Kumari, B.D.Pandey, Isolation of native extremophiles from Indian bauxite ore, red mud for applications in mineral beneficiation, Proceedings of 26th Int. Min. Proc. Congress, September, 2012, Eds. S.P.Mehrotra and S. Subramanian, Vol.1, pp.39-47.
17.A. Ghosh, Sujata, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Microbial upgradation of Meghalaya coal by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Rhodococcus rhodochorus, IN. Proc. MPT-2013, Bhubaneswar, India, Eds. P.S.R.Reddy, B.Das, S.K.Biswal, D.B.Ramesh, A.K.Sahu, B.K.Mishra, pp.287-293.
18.Pratima Meshram, Jyotsna Kumari, Abhilash, B.D. Pandey, “Extraction of V2O5 from Bayers’s Sludge-An Overview”, In: International Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Symposium (IBAAS-2014), 27-29 November, 2014, Visakhapatnam, Vol.3, pp.170-183.
19.Abhilash, Shivendra Sinha, Pratima Meshram, B.D. Pandey, P.K.Behera, B.K.Satpathy, "Red Mud: A Secondary Resource for Rare Earth Elements", In: International Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Symposium (IBAAS-2014), 27-29 November, 2014, Visakhapatnam, Vol.3, pp.148-162.
20.Pratima Meshram, Jyotsna Kumari, Abhilash, B.D. Pandey, “Extraction of vanadium pentaoxide from vanadium sludge”, In: Proceeding of 19th International Conference on Non-ferrous Minerals & Metals-2015 (ICNFM 2015), 10-11 July, 2015, Bhubaneswar, India, pp.144-149.
21.Pratima Meshram, Vaibhav Mishra, Abhilash, Processing of Red mud for extraction of TiO2, July 6-7, 2018, In: Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Nonferrous Minerals and Metals (ICNFMM-2018) Ranchi, India, Eds. Abhilash and T. Sreenivas, pp.28-33.
22.Pratima Meshram, N. Vasumathi, Abhilash, J.N.Patel, Hydrometallurgical processing of EAF dust for selective recovery of zinc, In Proceedings XVII International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2018), Dhanbad, pp.792-796.
23.Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Case studies on recovery of Vanadium from Non-ferrous Process and Production wastes, In: 23rd Int. Conf. Nonferrous Minerals and Metals, 12-13th July 2019, Kolkata, India; Eds. B.D.Pandey, Abhilash, M.Ghosh, M.Najar, pp.123-128.
Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Recovery of critical metals for batteries from secondary resources. In: Proceedings of XVIII International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2019), 15-16th Dec 2019, Hyderabad, India, pp. 492-500
24.Pratima Meshram, Abhilash (2021). Recovery of Acid Values from Industrial Processes and Waste Streams. In. Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Nonferrous Metals (ICNFM-2021), New Delhi, India, pp. 131-137.
25.Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Selective enrichment of copper as copper concentrate from arsenic containing ores, In. Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nonferrous Metals (ICNFM-2022), Nagpur, India, pp. 39-42.
1.Abhilash, S.Singh, K.D.Mehta, Vinay Kumar, B.D.Pandey and V.M.Pandey, Bio-leaching of uranium from a low grade ore by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans”, In. Proc. IMPC-2006, Istanbul, Turkey, September 3-8, 2006, pp.1487-1493.
2. Abhilash, Mehta K.D., Kumar V. and Pandey B.D., Bio-hydrometallurgical approach in processing of low grade Indian uranium ore in Column Reactor, In Proc. Biohydromet 2007, Falmouth, UK, pp.511-522.
3.S.Anand Ram, Abhilash, K.D. Mehta, B.D. Pandey and T.R. Mankhand, Bioleaching of a low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore by microbial consortium, Proc. VIII Int. Conf. Clean Technologies for the World Mining Industry – CTWMI 2008, April 13-18, 2008, Chile, Eds. Armando Valenzuela and Mario Sánchez, pp. 363-375.
4.Abhilash, K.D.Mehta , B.D.Pandey, Effectiveness of bioleaching of low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore using pure and mixed culture of mesophiles, In Proc. Minerals to Materials Conference - M2M 08, 15-18 December 2008, Cairo, Egypt, Eds. M.I. Nasr and N.A.Abdel-Khalek, pp.135-140.
5.K.D. Mehta, S.A. Ram, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey and T.R. Mankhand, Bacterial solubilisation of copper from a low grade sulphide mineral, In. Proc. BIOHYDROMET’09, 6-7th April 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
6.Abhilash, M.Prakash, K.D.Mehta, B.D.Pandey, Microbial Composite in trivalent chromium remediation form effluents, In Proc. IIIrd Int. Congress on Non-ferrous Metals-2011, September, 2011, Eds. G.L.Pashkov, P.V.Polykhov, pp. 244-248.
7.M.I. Teremova, E.A. Petrakovskaya, A.S. Romanchenko, F.V. Tuzikov, Yu. L. Gurevich, O.V. Tsibina, E.K. Yakubailik, Abhilash, Iron-based ultrafine particles made in model solutions and industrial waste waters, In Proc. IIIrd Int. Congress on Non-ferrous Metals-2011, September 2011, Eds. G.L.Pashkov, P.V.Polykhov, pp. 212-216.
8. Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, L.Ray (2011), Column bioleaching of apatite rich low grade Indian uranium ore, In. Proc. 19thInternational Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS-2011), Changsha, China, Eds. G.Qiu, T.Jiang, W.Qin, X. Liu, Y. Yang and H.Wang, Vol.1, pp. 680-683.
9. Abhilash, Nivedita Singh, B.D.Pandey (2011), Clay based microbial biocomposites for chromium (III) sorption, In. Proc. 19th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS-2011), Changsha, China, Eds. G.Qiu, T.Jiang, W.Qin, X. Liu, Y. Yang and H.Wang, Vol.1, pp. 899-903.
10.Alafara Baba, Mustapha Raji, Kehinde Omoniyi, Shemang Chindo, Aduagba Kareem, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Low-Energy Processing of a Local Boltwoodite Ore as Intermediate in Nuclear Fuel Cell. In: Iloeje, C., et al. Energy Technology 2024. TMS 2024. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, pp.67-72.
- Abhilash, S.Singh, K.D.Mehta, V.Kumar, B.D.Pandey and V.M.Pandey, Dissolution of uranium from silicate-apatite ore by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, Hydrometallurgy, 2009, 95(1-2), 70-75
- Abhilash, K.D.Mehta, V. Kumar, B.D. Pandey and P.K. Tamrakar, Column Bioleaching of a Low-Grade Silicate Ore of Uranium, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2010, 31(4), 224 - 235
- Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Role of ferric ions in bioleaching of uranium from a low tenor Indian ore, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2011, 50(2), 102-112.
- Abhilash, K.Revati, B.D.Pandey, Microbial synthesis of iron based nanomaterials- A Review, Bulletin of Material Science, 2011, 34(2), 1–8.
- Abhilash, K.D.Mehta, V.Kumar, B.D.Pandey and P.K.Tamrakar, Bioleaching - An Alternate Uranium Ore Processing Technology For India, Energy Procedia, 2011, 7, 158-162.
- Abhilash, R.Venkat Raman, K.D.Mehta, B.D.Pandey, Isolation and biochemical characterization of native marine isolates from Indian ocean nodules, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, 2011, 40(5), 648-652.
- Abhilash, K.D.Mehta, V. Kumar and B.D.Pandey, Efficacy of Bacterial Adaptation on Copper Biodissolution from a low grade chalcopyrite ore by A. ferrooxidans, International Journal of Nonferrous Metallurgy, 2012, 1, 1-7.
- Abhilash, S.C Pal, K.D.Mehta, B.D.Pandey, T.R.Mankhand, Bioprocessing of a Low-grade Chalcopyrite Ore by the Isolate of Acidithiobacillus Ferrooxidans, International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 2012, 1(5), 72-77.
- Abhilash, Divya G Nair, Kirtal Hansdah, B. Dhal, K. D. Mehta, B. D. Pandey, Bioremoval of chromium (III) from model tanning effluent by novel microbial isolate, International Journal of Metallurgical Engineering, 2012, 1(2), 12-16.
- Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Synthesis of zinc-based nanomaterials: a biological perspective, IET-Nanobiotechnology, 2012, 6 (4), 144-148.
- Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, L.Ray, Bioleaching of apatite rich low grade Indian uranium ore, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2012, 51(4), 390-402
- Abhilash, B.D. Pandey, Microbially assisted leaching of uranium: A Review, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2013, 34(2), 81-113.
- Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Microbial processing of apatite rich low grade Indian uranium ore in bioreactor, Bioresource Technology, 2013, 128, 619-623.
- Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Bioreactor leaching of uranium from low grade Indian Silicate ore, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 71,111-117.
- Abhilash, K.D.Mehta, B.D.Pandey, Bacterial leaching kinetics for copper dissolution from a low grade Indian Chalcopyrite ore, REM:Revista Escola de Minas, 2013, 66(2), 245-250.
- B.Dhal, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Bio-beneficiation of a chromite concentrate by Cr(VI) reducing native microbe, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2013, 123, 129-136.
- Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, A.K.Singh, Comparative performance of uranium bioleaching from low grade Indian apatite rock in column and bioreactor, Energy Procedia, 2013, 39, 20-32.
- Abhilash, Shivendra Sinha, Manish Kumar Sinha, B.D.Pandey, Extraction of lanthanum and cerium from Indian red mud, International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2014, 127, 70-73.
- Bhargav C. Patel, Manish Kumar Sinha, Devayani R. Tipre, Abhilash, Shailesh R. Dave, A novel biphasic leaching approach for the recovery of Cu and Zn from polymetallic bulk concentrate, Bioresource Technology, 2014, 157, 310-315.
- N.Srivastava, B.Dhal, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Bioreduction of hexavalent chromium by Bacillus cereus isolated from chromite mine overburden soil, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 828, 81-92.
- B.Dhal, Abhilash, and B.D.Pandey, Microbial removal of trivalent chromium from model tanning bath, Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 828, 33-44.
- A.Ghosh, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, A study on organo-sulfur tolerant bacterial strains from extremophilic coal mine environment- isolation and growth factors, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences (Vol. 44, April 2015)
- Abhilash, A.Ghosh, B.D.Pandey, Bioleaching of low grade granitic chalcopyrite ore by hyperthermophiles: Elucidation of kinetics-mechanism, Metallurgical Research and Technology, Vol. 112, 506 (2015); DOI: 10.1051/metal/2015031
- Abhilash, A.Ghosh, B.D.Pandey, S.Sarkar, Microbial variants from iron ore slimes: mineral specificity and pH tolerance, Indian Journal of Microbiology, (Oct–Dec 2015) 55(4):430–439.
- Yu L Gurevich, M I Teremova, G N Bondarenko, S L Kislan, Abhilash, Bio-chemical leaching of kaolinite-hematite-boehmite type bauxite ore, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2015, 22(5), 248-252.
- S.Sinha, Abhilash, P.Meshram, B.D.Pandey, Metallurgical processes for the recovery and recycling of lanthanum from various resources-a review, Hydrometallurgy, 2016, 160, 47-59.
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Jyotsna Kumari, B.D.Pandey, Extraction of Vanadium and Synthesis of Vanadium Pentaoxide from Bayer’s Sludge, Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, 2016, Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 338–346
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, T.R.Mankhand, H.Deveci, Acid baking of spent lithium ion batteries for selective recovery of major metals: A Two-Step Process, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2016, 43, 117–126
- M.I. Teremova, E.A. Petrakovskaya, A.S. Romanchenko, F.V. Tuzikov, Yu.L.Gurevich, O.V. Tsibina, E.K. Yakubailik, Abhilash, Ferritisation of industrial waste water and microbial synthesis of iron-based magnetic nanomaterials from sediments, Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy (AiChE), 2016, 35(5), 1407-1414.
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, T.R.Mankhand, H.Deveci, Comparision of different reductants in leaching of spent lithium ion batteries, Journal of Metals, 2016, 68(10), 2613-2623.
- Sanjeev Kumar Das, Ranjit Prasad, R.P.Singh, Abhilash, Physical, Mechanical And Metallurgical Characteristics Of Banded Hematite Jasper Of Ghatkuri (Gua), Jharkhand, India, Journal Of The Geological Society Of India, 2017, 90, 623-627.
- Kishore Keekan, J.Jalondhara, Abhilash, Extraction of Ce and Th from Monazite using REE Tolerant Aspergillus niger, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2017, 38(5), 312-320
- Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, S. Sarkar, T. Venugopalan, Exploring Blast Furnace Slag As A Secondary Resource For Extraction Of Rare Earth Elements, Minerals & Metallurgical Processing Journal, 2017, 34(4), 178-182
- Pratima Meshram, Lalit Bhagat, Uday Prakash, B.D.Pandey, Abhilash, Organic acid leaching of base metals from copper granulated slag and evaluation of mechanism, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 2017, 56(2), 168-178
- Ata Akcil, Nazym Akhmadiyeva, Rinat Abdulvaliyev, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Overview on Extraction and Separation of Rare Earth Elements from Red Mud: Focus on Scandium, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2018, 39(3), 145-151.
- Pratima Meshram, Anirban Ghosh, Yanamandra Ramamurthy, Banshi Dhar Pandey, Abhilash, Mauricio Leonardo Torem, Removal of Cr(VI) from mine effluents by ion exchange resins-comparative study of Amberlite IRA 400 and IRA 900, Russian Journal of Nonferrous Metals, 2018, 59 (5), 533–542.
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Banshi Dhar Pandey, Tilak Raj Mankhand, Haci Deveci, Extraction of metals from spent lithium ion batteries: role of acid, reductant and process intensification in recycling, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 2018, 25, 368-375.
- Biswaranjan Dhal, Abhilash, BanshiDhar Pandey, Mechanism elucidation and adsorbent characterization for removal of Cr(VI) by native fungal adsorbent, Sustainable Environment Research, 2018, 28(6), 289-297
- Pratima Meshram, Banshi Dhar Pandey, Abhilash, Prespective of availability and sustainable recycling prospects of metals in rechargeable batteries-A resource overview. Resource Policy, 2019,60, 9-22
- Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, S. Sinha, B.D. Pandey, V. KrishnaKumari and S. Kar, Chloride leaching of lanthanum and cerium from Indian red mud and metal separation studies, Metallurgical Research and Technology, 2019,116 (2),210.
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Banshi Dhar Pandey, Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel From Primary and Secondary Sources, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2019, 40(3), 157-193.
- Yanjun Zhang, Hongbo Zhao, Yisheng Zhang, Lu Qian, Luyuan Zhang, Xiaoyu Meng, Xin Lv, Abhilash, Hussnain Ahmed Janjua, Guanzhou Qiu, Interactions between marmatite and bornite during the oxidative dissolution process in abiotic and biotic systems, RSC Adv., 2019, 9, 26609-26618
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Banshi Dhar Pandey. Advanced Review on Extraction of Nickel from Primary and Secondary Sources, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2019, 40:3, 157-193
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash Mishra, Abhilash, Rina Sahu, Environmental impact of spent lithium ion batteries and green recycling perspectives by organic acids-– A review, Chemosphere 242 (2020) 125291
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Recovery and Recycling of Cerium from Primary and Secondary Resources- a Critical Review, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2020, 41(4), 279-310
- Pratima Meshram, Uday Prakash, Lalit Bhagat, Abhilash, Hongbo Zhao, Eric D van Hullebusch, Processing of Waste Copper Convertor Slag using organic acids for extraction of copper, nickel and cobalt, Minerals, 2020, 10, 290; doi: 10.3390/min10030290
- Andreza Rafaela Morais Pereira, Ronald Rojas Hacha, Maurício Leonardo Torem, Antonio Gutierrez Merma, Flávia P.C. Silvas, Abhilash, (2021). Direct hematite flotation from an iron ore tailing using an innovative biosurfactant. Separation Science and Technology, 56(17), 2978-2988 (DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2021.1873374)
- Abhilash, Harshita Agrawal, Pratima Meshram, R. B. Meshram, Soni Jha, J. N. Patel, M. K.Soni, Kiran Rokkam, Sheeba Mashruwala, (2021). Green process for recovery of vanadium from hazardous spent contact process catalyst by oxalic acid – kinetics and mechanism. Separation Science and Technology, 56(18), 3183-3200 (DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2021.1878222)
- Abhilash, Shirin Tabassum, Anirban Ghosh, Pratima Meshram, Eric vanHullebusch, (2021). Microbial processing of waste shredded PCBs for copper extraction cum separation - a comparison in efficacy of bacterial and fungal leaching kinetics. Metals, 11(2), 317 (DOI: doi: 10.3390/met11020317)
- Ata Akcil, Yahlya Ibrahim, Pratima Meshram, Sandeep Panda, Abhilash (2021), Hydrometallurgical Recycling Strategies for Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Consumer Electronic Scraps: A Review, Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 96: 1785–1797
- Abhilash, Sabrina Hederich, Axel Schippers (2021), Distribution of Scandium in Red Mud and Extraction using Gluconobacter oxydans, Hydrometallurgy, 202, 105621.
- Abhilash, Sabrina Hederich, Axel Schippers (2021), Corrigendum to “Distribution of scandium in red mud and extraction using Gluconobacter oxydans” [Hydrometallurgy 202 (2021) 105621], 203, 105696.
- Abhilash, Y. Usha, K. Seetharaman, Pratima Meshram, K.D.Mehta, B.D.Pandey (2021), Application of hydrodynamics using CFD in evaluating efficacy of external loop airlift reactor biochemical leaching of sea nodules, Mineral Processing And Extractive Metallurgy Review (DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2021.1959329)
- Abhilash, Vaidyanathan Swetha, Pratima Meshram (2021), An overview on chemical processes for synthesis of graphene from waste carbon resources, Carbon Letters (2022) 32:653–669 (DOI: 10.1007/s42823-021-00313-7)
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash (2022), Strategies for Recycling of Primary and Secondary Resources for Germanium Extraction, Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (10.1007/s42461-022-00549-5)
- Abhilash, Isiri Inamdar (2022), Recycling of plastic wastes generated from COVID-19: A comprehensive illustration of type and properties of plastics with remedial options. Science of The Total Environment (DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155895)
- Abhilash, Sabrina Hederich, Pratima Meshram, Axel Schippers, Ajay K Gupta, Subhadra Sen, Extraction of REEs from Blast Furnace Slag by Gluconobacter oxydans, Minerals, 2022 (DOI: 10.3390/min12060701)
- Pratima Meshram, Sami Virolainen, Abhilash and Tuomo Sainio, Solvent Extraction for Separation of 99.9% Pure Cobalt and Recovery of Li, Ni, Fe, Cu, Al from Spent LIBs. Metals 2022, 12, 1056. (DOI: 10.3390/met12061056)
- Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Ajay K Gupta, Subhadra Sen, Steel plant wastes as a resource of rare earth elements and rare metals –characterisation, resource estimation and economic assessment. Transactions of Indian Institute of Metals, 2023 (DOI: 10.1007/s12666-022-02794-0)
- Sonali Rout, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Patrick Zhang, A Comprehensive Review on Occurrence and Processing of Phosphate Rock Based Resources- Focus on REEs, Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 2023, 45(4), 368-388 (DOI: 10.1080/08827508.2022.2161537)
- M.D. Rao, Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, K.K. Singh, Validation of Bromide Leaching through Response Surface Methodology and Separation of Gold from Waste Printed Circuit Boards. Minerals 2023, 13, 579.
- Mustapha A. Raji, Alafara A. Baba, Abhilash, Uranium extraction from sulphuric acid leach liquor by Cyanex®272 as intermediate in nuclear fuel cell. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2023, 332, 4471–4476.
- Tapan Kumar Shankar, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Environmental Impact Assessment in the Entire Life Cycle of Lithium-ion Batteries, Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2024) 262:5 (DOI: 10.1007/s44169-023-00054-w)
- Raji, M.A., Baba, A.A., Abhilash et al. Optimization of the Leaching Kinetics for Uranium Recovery from a Boltwoodite Ore as Emerging Solution to Nigerian Power Sector. J. Sustain. Metall. 10, 851–863 (2024).
- Pratima Meshram, Richa V. Jaiswal, Abhilash, C Baiju, Ramesh L. Gardas, An emerging trend of ionic liquids in the separation of critical metals from spent lithium and nickel based batteries, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 400 (2024) 124594,
CONFERENCES (National & International)
1. Abhilash, S.Singh, K.D.Mehta, Vinay Kumar, B.D.Pandey and V.M.Pandey, Microbially catalysed process for uranium dissolution from its ore, In. Proc. MPT-2006, Chennai,Vol.2, pp.717-724
2. Abhilash, P.Ravi, Mehta K.D., Kumar V., Pandey B.D. and Tamrakar.P.K., Column Bioleaching for Uranium Dissolution from a Low Grade Indian Silicate Ore, In. Proc. National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar, pp.83-91.
3. Pal,S.C., Mehta,K.D., Abhilash, Kumar,V., Pandey,B.D. and Mankhand.T.R., Copper Biodissolution from a low grade Chalcopyrite ore by unadapted/adapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, In. Proc. National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar,pp.110-121.
4. Abhilash, Mehta, K.D., Kumar,V. and Pandey, B.D., Biosorption of trivalent chromium from a model tanning solution by adapted Aspergillus niger, In.Proc. National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar, pp.190-201.
5. Abhilash, Mehta K.D., Kumar V., Pandey B.D. and Tamrakar.P.K, Amenability of low-grade uranium towards Column Bioleaching by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, In.Proc. MPT-2007,Mumbai,pp.345-349
6. Pal.S.C,Abhilash, Mehta,K.D., Kumar,V., Pandey,B.D.and Markhand,T.R., Copper biodissolution from a low grade Chalcopyrite ore using adapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, In.Proc. MPT-2007,Mumbai, pp.524-527.
7. Mehta, K.D., Abhilash, Verma,V.K., Kumar V. and Pandey, B.D., NML’s Efforts in bio-processing of low grade ores of Copper and Uranium- an experimental overview, In. Proc. Non-Ferrous Meet-2007, Raipur, Tech-B-1/1-1/12.
8. S.Anand Ram, Abhilash, K.D. Mehta, B.D. Pandey and T.R. Mankhand, Microbial Dissolution of a low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore using mixed culture of mesophiles, Proc. Int. Sem. Min Proc. Tech (MPT-2008), April 22-24 2008, Trivandrum, Ed. P.N.Mohandas, pp.346-350.
9. K.D. Mehta, Abhilash, S.Anand Ram, B.D.Pandey and T.R.Mankhand, Improving chalcopyrite biodissolution from low grade Indian copper ore by microbial consortia, Proc. XIIth Int. Conf. Non-Ferrous Minerals and Metals (NFMM-2008), July 4-5 2008, Nagpur, Eds., M.K.B.Nair, C.R.Mishra and C.Ramaswamy, pp. Tech-6-1/1-1/9.
10.B.Dhal, Abhilash, K.D. Mehta, and B.D.Pandey, Biological remediation of trivalent chromium from effluents, In. Proc. XIIIth Int. Conf. Non-Ferrous Minerals and Metals (ICNFMM-2009), Eds., C.R.Mishra and S.Majumdar, July 10-11, 2009, Bhubaneswar, pp.Tech-4/1-4/9.
11.Nivedita Singh, Abhilash, K.D.Mehta and B.D.Pandey, Kaolinite based microbial composite in Cr(III) sorption from waste waters, In. Proc. Nat. Sem. on Environmental Management in Metallurgical Industries, Varanasi, 15-16th March 2010,Eds. R.C.Gupta, pp.61-68.
12.Abhilash, B.Dhal, K.D.Mehta, V.Kumar, B.D.Pandey, Bio-Processing For Metal Extraction, Recycling And Effluent Treatment- An Overview, In. Proc. International Conference on Non-ferrous Metals 2010, Varanasi, India, Eds: T. R. Mankhand, N. K. Mukhopadhyay, C. R. Mishra, Tech-6/1 - Tech6/8.
13.Abhilash, K.D.Mehta, V.Kumar, B.D.Pandey and P.K.Tamrakar, Bioleaching - An Alternate Uranium Ore Processing Technology For India¸ In. Proceedings of ANUP 2010 – 2nd International Conference on ASIAN NUCLEAR PROSPECTS 2010 Chennai, India – 11-13 October 2010 Eds. K.G.Kutty, P.V.Rao, Baldev Raj, pp.232-235.
14.Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, L.Ray, Kinetics and mechanism of uranium bioleaching from a low grade indian ore, In. Proc. Int.Sem. Min.Proc.Tech. (MPT-2010), Eds.R.Singh, A.Das, P.K.Banerjee, K.K.Bhattacharya, N.G.Goswami, December 2010, pp.969-975.
15.Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, A.K.Singh, Bioreactor leaching of Turamdih uranium ore, In. Proc. 16th Int. Conf. Nonferrous Metals-2012, New Delhi, India, (Eds.) Abhilash, T.R.Mankhand and P.Lange. pp. Tech-4/1 to Tech4/7
16.Abhilash, Neha Kumari, B.D.Pandey, Isolation of native extremophiles from Indian bauxite ore, red mud for applications in mineral beneficiation, Proceedings of 26th Int. Min. Proc. Congress, September, 2012, Eds. S.P.Mehrotra and S. Subramanian, Vol.1, pp.39-47.
17.A. Ghosh, Sujata, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Microbial upgradation of Meghalaya coal by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Rhodococcus rhodochorus, IN. Proc. MPT-2013, Bhubaneswar, India, Eds. P.S.R.Reddy, B.Das, S.K.Biswal, D.B.Ramesh, A.K.Sahu, B.K.Mishra, pp.287-293.
18.Pratima Meshram, Jyotsna Kumari, Abhilash, B.D. Pandey, “Extraction of V2O5 from Bayers’s Sludge-An Overview”, In: International Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Symposium (IBAAS-2014), 27-29 November, 2014, Visakhapatnam, Vol.3, pp.170-183.
19.Abhilash, Shivendra Sinha, Pratima Meshram, B.D. Pandey, P.K.Behera, B.K.Satpathy, "Red Mud: A Secondary Resource for Rare Earth Elements", In: International Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium Symposium (IBAAS-2014), 27-29 November, 2014, Visakhapatnam, Vol.3, pp.148-162.
20.Pratima Meshram, Jyotsna Kumari, Abhilash, B.D. Pandey, “Extraction of vanadium pentaoxide from vanadium sludge”, In: Proceeding of 19th International Conference on Non-ferrous Minerals & Metals-2015 (ICNFM 2015), 10-11 July, 2015, Bhubaneswar, India, pp.144-149.
21.Pratima Meshram, Vaibhav Mishra, Abhilash, Processing of Red mud for extraction of TiO2, July 6-7, 2018, In: Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Nonferrous Minerals and Metals (ICNFMM-2018) Ranchi, India, Eds. Abhilash and T. Sreenivas, pp.28-33.
22.Pratima Meshram, N. Vasumathi, Abhilash, J.N.Patel, Hydrometallurgical processing of EAF dust for selective recovery of zinc, In Proceedings XVII International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2018), Dhanbad, pp.792-796.
23.Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Case studies on recovery of Vanadium from Non-ferrous Process and Production wastes, In: 23rd Int. Conf. Nonferrous Minerals and Metals, 12-13th July 2019, Kolkata, India; Eds. B.D.Pandey, Abhilash, M.Ghosh, M.Najar, pp.123-128.
Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, Recovery of critical metals for batteries from secondary resources. In: Proceedings of XVIII International Seminar on Mineral Processing Technology (MPT-2019), 15-16th Dec 2019, Hyderabad, India, pp. 492-500
24.Pratima Meshram, Abhilash (2021). Recovery of Acid Values from Industrial Processes and Waste Streams. In. Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Nonferrous Metals (ICNFM-2021), New Delhi, India, pp. 131-137.
25.Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Selective enrichment of copper as copper concentrate from arsenic containing ores, In. Proceedings of 26th International Conference on Nonferrous Metals (ICNFM-2022), Nagpur, India, pp. 39-42.
1.Abhilash, S.Singh, K.D.Mehta, Vinay Kumar, B.D.Pandey and V.M.Pandey, Bio-leaching of uranium from a low grade ore by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans”, In. Proc. IMPC-2006, Istanbul, Turkey, September 3-8, 2006, pp.1487-1493.
2. Abhilash, Mehta K.D., Kumar V. and Pandey B.D., Bio-hydrometallurgical approach in processing of low grade Indian uranium ore in Column Reactor, In Proc. Biohydromet 2007, Falmouth, UK, pp.511-522.
3.S.Anand Ram, Abhilash, K.D. Mehta, B.D. Pandey and T.R. Mankhand, Bioleaching of a low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore by microbial consortium, Proc. VIII Int. Conf. Clean Technologies for the World Mining Industry – CTWMI 2008, April 13-18, 2008, Chile, Eds. Armando Valenzuela and Mario Sánchez, pp. 363-375.
4.Abhilash, K.D.Mehta , B.D.Pandey, Effectiveness of bioleaching of low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore using pure and mixed culture of mesophiles, In Proc. Minerals to Materials Conference - M2M 08, 15-18 December 2008, Cairo, Egypt, Eds. M.I. Nasr and N.A.Abdel-Khalek, pp.135-140.
5.K.D. Mehta, S.A. Ram, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey and T.R. Mankhand, Bacterial solubilisation of copper from a low grade sulphide mineral, In. Proc. BIOHYDROMET’09, 6-7th April 2009, Cape Town, South Africa.
6.Abhilash, M.Prakash, K.D.Mehta, B.D.Pandey, Microbial Composite in trivalent chromium remediation form effluents, In Proc. IIIrd Int. Congress on Non-ferrous Metals-2011, September, 2011, Eds. G.L.Pashkov, P.V.Polykhov, pp. 244-248.
7.M.I. Teremova, E.A. Petrakovskaya, A.S. Romanchenko, F.V. Tuzikov, Yu. L. Gurevich, O.V. Tsibina, E.K. Yakubailik, Abhilash, Iron-based ultrafine particles made in model solutions and industrial waste waters, In Proc. IIIrd Int. Congress on Non-ferrous Metals-2011, September 2011, Eds. G.L.Pashkov, P.V.Polykhov, pp. 212-216.
8. Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, L.Ray (2011), Column bioleaching of apatite rich low grade Indian uranium ore, In. Proc. 19thInternational Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS-2011), Changsha, China, Eds. G.Qiu, T.Jiang, W.Qin, X. Liu, Y. Yang and H.Wang, Vol.1, pp. 680-683.
9. Abhilash, Nivedita Singh, B.D.Pandey (2011), Clay based microbial biocomposites for chromium (III) sorption, In. Proc. 19th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS-2011), Changsha, China, Eds. G.Qiu, T.Jiang, W.Qin, X. Liu, Y. Yang and H.Wang, Vol.1, pp. 899-903.
10.Alafara Baba, Mustapha Raji, Kehinde Omoniyi, Shemang Chindo, Aduagba Kareem, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, Low-Energy Processing of a Local Boltwoodite Ore as Intermediate in Nuclear Fuel Cell. In: Iloeje, C., et al. Energy Technology 2024. TMS 2024. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series. Springer, Cham, pp.67-72.
Paper Presentations
- Solubilisation of uranium from low-grade ore of Turamdih Mines in presence of bacteria, IIM’s NMD-ATM 2005, Chennai.
- Bioreactor and Column Bioleaching of Uranium from a Low Index Silicate Ore, IIM’s NMD-ATM 2006,Jamshedpur.
- Microbially catalysed process for uranium dissolution from its ore, MPT-2006, Chennai, India.
- Column Bioleaching for Uranium Dissolution from a Low Grade Indian Silicate Ore, National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Copper Biodissolution from a low grade Chalcopyrite ore by unadapted/adapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Biosorption of trivalent chromium from a model tanning solution by adapted Aspergillus niger, National Seminar on Mineral Biotechnology-2007, Bhubaneswar, India.
- Amenability of low-grade uranium towards Column Bioleaching by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, MPT-2007, Mumbai, India.
- Copper biodissolution from a low grade Chalcopyrite ore using adapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, MPT-2007, Mumbai, India.
- NML’s Efforts in bio-processing of low grade ores of Copper and Uranium- an experimental overview, XIth Non-Ferrous Minerals and Metals-2007, Raipur, India.
- Significance of ferric ions in bioleaching of Indian uranium ore, IIM’s NMD-ATM 2007, Mumbai.
- Biological removal of trivalent chromium from a model tanning solution by adapted Aspergillus niger, P81 at SIM Annual Meeting, 2007
- Biodissolution of copper from low grade Chalcopyrite ore using adapted Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans, P85 at SIM Annual Meeting, 2007.
- Microbial Dissolution of a low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore using mixed culture of mesophiles, In. Int. Sem. Min Proc. Tech (MPT-2008), Trivandrum.
- Improving chalcopyrite biodissolution from low grade Indian copper ore by microbial consortia, XIIth Int. Conf. Non-Ferrous Minerals and Metals (NFMM-2008), Nagpur.
- Extraction of copper from a low grade granitic chalcopyrite ore by bacterial oxidation, All India Seminar on “Emerging trends of Chemical Engineering in Process Industries (ETCE-2008), Jamshedpur, India
- Aspergillus niger-fungus to remediate chromium pollution from effluents, IIM’s NMD-ATM 2008, NewDelhi.
- Effectiveness of bioleaching of low grade Indian chalcopyrite ore using pure and mixed culture of mesophiles, Minerals to Materials Conference - M2M 08, Cairo, Egypt.
- Bacterial solubilisation of copper from a low grade sulphide mineral, BIOHYDROMET’09, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Biotechnology for Indian Uranium Industry, Bangalore-Bio 2009, Bangalore.
- Biological remediation of trivalent chromium from effluents, XIIIth Int. Conf. Non-Ferrous Minerals and Metals (ICNFMM-2009), Bhubaneswar.
- Microbial composite for Cr(III) remediation from effluents, MPT-2009, Bhubaneswar, India
- Bio-removal of chromium (III) from model tanning effluent by novel microbial isolate, MPT-2009, Bhubaneswar, India
- Biomineral extraction of uranium from apatite rock of Narwapahar mines, IIM’s NMD-ATM 2009, Kolkata.
- Kaolinite based microbial composite in Cr(III) sorption from waste waters, Nat. Sem. on Environmental Management in Metallurgical Industries (EMMI-2010), ITBHU, Varanasi.
- Bacterial leaching kinetics for copper dissolution from a low-grade Indian chalcopyrite ore, ALTA-2010, Perth, Australia.
- Biomineral processing of an apatite rich low- grade Indian uranium ore, ALTA-2010, Perth, Australia.
- Bio-Processing For Metal Extraction, Recycling And Effluent Treatment- An Overview, XIVth International Conference on Non-ferrous Metals 2010, Varanasi, India
- Bioleaching - An Alternate Uranium Ore Processing Technology For India¸ 2nd International Conference on ASIAN NUCLEAR PROSPECTS (ANUP- 2010), Chennai, India
- Kinetics and mechanism of uranium bioleaching from a low grade Indian ore, MPT-2010,Jamshedpur, India
- Solvent extraction of copper and zinc from a pickling solution using Versatic 10 Acid, Cyanex 272 and LIX 984N, IIIrd Int. Congress on Non-ferrous Metals-2011, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
- Microbial Composite in trivalent chromium remediation form effluents, IIIrd Int. Congress on Non-ferrous Metals-2011, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
- Biomineral processing of zinc tailings for synthesis of value added nanomaterials, MPT-2011, 20-22nd Oct, Udaipur, India
- Bioreactor leaching of low grade silicate rich uranium ores, 16th Int. Conf. on Nonferrous Metals, 13-14th July 2012, New Delhi, India
- Isolation of native extremophiles from Indian bauxite ore, red mud for applications in mineral beneficiation, XXVIth Int. Min. Proc. Congress, New Delhi, India
- Comparative bioleaching of apatite rich uranium ores in column and bioreactors, 3rd Int. Conf. on Asian Nuclear Prospects, 16-19th October, Beijing, China.
- ICSA award presentation at 100th Indian Science Congress, Kolkata, India
- Microbial synthesis of nanomaterials from industrial wastes, 1st International and 3rd National Conference on Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Tirupati, India
- Hydrometallurgical extraction of REE’s from red mud, NMD-ATM 2013, Varanasi, India (Poster)
- Physico-chemical characterization and bio-remediation of Cr(VI) from chromite mine overburden soil of Sukinda, Odisha, India, NMD-ATM 2013, Varanasi, India (Oral)
- AMI Young Scientist Award Presentation at AMI-2013, Rohtak, India
- Microbes for upgradation of iron ore slimes, ISEB 2013, Wuhan China
- Microbial upgradation of Meghalaya coal by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Rhodococcus rhodochorus, MPT-2013, Bhubaneswar, India
- BRSI Award Lecture at ICETB 2014, New Delhi, India
- NMD Award Lecture at IIM’s NMD-ATM 2014, Pune, India
- Bioleaching of low grade granitic chalcopyrite ore by hyperthermophiles, Int. Sem. on Mineral Processing Technology , Vishakapatnam, 11-14 Mar’2014
- Remediation of hexavalent chromium from mine effluents of Sukinda Region, Orissa, Int. Sem. on Mineral Processing Technology , Vishakapatnam, 11-14 Mar’2014
- Bioleaching of shredded printed circuit board for extraction of valuable metals: a comparison of bacteria and fungus, Int. Sem. on Mineral Processing Technology , Vishakapatnam, 11-14 Mar’2014
- Dissoluton of copper, nickel and cobalt from copper slag by organic acids, Int. Sem. on Mineral Processing Technology , Vishakapatnam, 11-14 Mar’2014
- Prof. H.J.Arnikar best PhD Thesis award Lecture at BARC, Mumbai, India (Feb, 2015)
- Extraction of REEs from BF slag by organic acids, MPT 2016, Pune, India
- Hydrometallurgical extraction of REEs from metallurgical wastes, MPT 2017, Chennai, India
- Editor for “Extraction of Non-Ferrous Metals and their Recycling”, NML-CSIR
- Editor for “Lecture Compendium on Mineral Processing And Non-Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy”, NML-CSIR
- Author for “Chromium(III) Biosorption By Fungus”, Lambert Academic Publishing House, GmBH (ISBN 978-3-8443-8975-3)
- Editor for Book entitled “Harnessing of nonferrous minerals, metals and wastes”, Advanced Materials Research, Vol.828 (2014), by Trans Tech Publishers, Switzerland (Co-Editors: B.D.Pandey; T.R.Mankhand)
- Editor, Microbiology for Minerals, Metals, Materials and Environment (Co-Editors: K.A.Natarajan, B.D.Pandey)- CRC Press
- Editor, Critical and Rare Earth Elements- Recovery from Secondary Resources (Co-Editor- Ata Akcil)- CRC Press
- Editor, Sustainable and Economic Waste Management and Resource Recovery Techniques (Co-Editors: Md. Anwar Hossain, Vladmir Strezov)-CRC Press
Book Chapters
- B.Dhal, Abhilash, K.D.Mehta, B.D.Pandey, Microbial Bioremediation of Chromium: A promising approach of Environmental Microbiology, In. Microbial Biotechnology, B.B.Mishra and H.N.Thatoi (Eds.), APH Pub. Corp., New Delhi, 2010 (ISBN 978-81-313-0849-3), pp.130-168.
- Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Environmental Processing of Zinc Wastes and Generation of Nanosized Value-Added Products, In. Bio-nanoparticles: biosynthesis and sustainable biotechnological implications, Ed. O.V.Singh, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, U.S., 2015, pp.225-253.
- Abhilash, B.D. Pandey, Microbial extraction of uranium from ores. In: Microbiology for Minerals, Metals, Materials and the Environment. Taylor and Francis- CRC Press, Philadelphia, US, pp. 59-98 (2015)
- Anirban Ghosh, Sujata, Abhilash, B.D. Pandey, Microbial biodesulphurisation of coal. In: Microbiology for Minerals, Metals, Materials and the Environment. Taylor and Francis- CRC press, Philadelphia, US, pp. 153-184 (2015)
- B.D.Pandey, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, An Overview of the Recent Status of Critical and Strategic Metal Production and Development in India. In Abhilash and Ata Akcil (eds.), Critical and Rare Earth Elements: Recovery from Secondary Resources. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group., pp. 1-36 (2019).
- Pratima Meshram, Abhilash, B.D.Pandey, Global Outlook on the Availability of Critical Metals and Recycling Prospects from Rechargeable Batteries. In Abhilash and Ata Akcil (eds.), Critical and Rare Earth Elements: Recovery from Secondary Resources. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group., pp. 37-58 (2019).
- Shivendra Sinha, Abhilash, Pratima Meshram, An Overview of Extraction Schemes for the Recovery of Erbium. In Abhilash and Ata Akcil (eds.), Critical and Rare Earth Elements: Recovery from Secondary Resources. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis Group., pp. 1-36 (2019).
- Abhilash, Dissimilatory Iron-Reducing Bacteria: A Template for Iron Mineralization and Nanomaterial Synthesis, In. Ram Chandra, RC Sobti (Eds.), Microbes for Sustainable Development and Bioremediation, Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 89-106 (2019).
- Angela Banerjee, Abhilash, B.D. Pandey and Y.L. Gurevich, Biomineralization of Mine Sediments for Synthesis of Iron-Based Nanomaterials, In. Mahendra Rai and Patrycja Golinska (Eds.), Microbial Nanotechnology,Boca Raton: CRC Press, pp. 50-66 (2020).
- Meshram, P., Abhilash (2022). Material Recycling: Unearthing Metals from Anthropogenic and Industrial Resources. In: Shrivastava, A., Arora, A., Srivastava, C., Dhawan, N., Shekhar Singh, S. (eds) New Horizons in Metallurgy, Materials and Manufacturing. Indian Institute of Metals Series. Springer, Singapore., pp. 69-89.